Kriterien für die Vergabe des Spin-off Labels

Founders of start-ups and spin-offs can apply for the Spin-off Label if at least three of the following criteria are met:

  • The start-up is based on a technology, software, or know-how from TU Darmstadt.
  • At least one of the founders has a connection to TU Darmstadt, e.g., as a scientist, student, former employee, or alumnus.
  • The start-up’s business plan is solid and aims to bring a socially or economically relevant innovation to market.
  • The start-up has been supported by the team of the Innovation and Start-up Center HIGHEST and may have received public funding.

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Success Stories

Sucess Story

October 5, 2020

Wingcopter – innovative strength and pioneering spirit

Die TU-Ausgründung Wincopter hat den Durchbruch im Markt erfolgreich geschafft.

Sucess Story

July 6, 2023

Papierkram ohne Plastik

Chemie-Start-up-Projekt CeraSleeve® will Papierherstellung revolutionieren.

Sucess Story

February 16, 2021

Etalytics – Energiemanagement Made in Darmstadt

TU-Ausgründung etalytics setzt auf eine KI-gestützte Cloudplattform

Sucess Story

September 22, 2022

MADE WITH LOVR – Green technology start-up develops purely vegetable leather replacement

Grünes Technologie-Start-up entwickelt rein pflanzlichen Lederersatz

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