TU Darmstadt is not only a place of knowledge and research, it has an abundance of support and resources to provide the best possible working conditions for students and researchers.
Offices and labs
Room to grow
Like a sprout needs a pot, researchers and founders need a space to work in. To organize, meet, and plan their next steps – preferably without prying eyes.
Spaces like that are right here on the campus, and with our partners, HUB31, Ryon and TechQuartier – ranging from co-working to conversation pits to highly professional and modern labs. The perfect grounds to sprout ideas, grow, and network.
Meta & AI Lab

In Zusammenarbeit mit HIGHEST und Bereich Software & Digital Business der Wirtschaftsinformatik wurde 2023 das Meta & AI Lab im Alten Hauptgebäude der TU Darmstadt aufgebaut. Dies Technik steht Studierenden, Wissenschaftler:innen und Gründer:innen zum Ausprobieren der virtuellen Welten zur Verfügung. Gerade zum Testen oder für die Entwicklung von neuen Businessmodellen steht das Meta & AI Lab zur Verfügung.
WebsiteKreaRaum – room for creative thinking.
KreaRaum – room for creative thinking.
This room in the old main building can be used by all students and researchers. Also, founders and start-ups can simply book it when they need a place to develop their business idea.
Need access?
Simply fabulous

Simply fabulous
In case you wondered, no, FAB is not short for “fabulous”. It’s the digital fabrication lab at TU Darmstadt. Here, students and researchers can fabricate their own prototypes in a cost-effective way, all while learning state-of-the-art insights in workshops and projects.
For now, you’ll find the FabLab in Lab3 e.V. (HUB31).
Get in tough• 3D scanner
• 3D printer
• laser cutter
• CNC machine
• plotter
• additive fabrication (FDM, SLA, SLS)
• microcontroller programming
Strategic security
First the pads, then the skates.
In a perfect world, everyone could just advance their own research, get it into the market and be happy. But since the world isn’t perfect yet – and the market not exactly fair – we have to take measures to protect business ideas and research – like a patent application. However, since this is quite costly, complex, and individual, HIGHEST steps up to provide you with tailor-made and fair options for your business endeavor.
Get in touchExplore your options and decide.
Continue to further your research or sell the results? That is an important decision to make. And an emotional one at that! That is why HIGHEST does not only consult on “everything patent” but also helps researchers and scientists navigate their options and which route to take.
Business idea
IP for Share
Lawyer up!
Everyone who has ever invented something or come up with an idea probably shares the same thought: “I hope somebody didn’t do it already.” But you know what’s way worse? When you learn someone copied your work! To prevent this from happening – or to give you a fighting chance to claim it’s yours – HIGHEST research transfer department is here to consult you. Even way before you even have an MVP.
Your lawyer secures your work in 5 steps:
• Appointment
• Creating and agreeing on a draft
• Handing in application
• Monitoring the process
• Exploitation
founderXchange Capital Day
Ecosystem in action: At the founderXchange Capital Day, start-ups showcase their ideas and businesses to an audience of venture capital companies and investors. And in doing so, cementing its position as one of the most important innovation hubs in Germany and in Europe.
An event powered by: HIGHEST, Cesah, HEAG,, StartupSecure, HUB31, h_da, StartUp Secure Athene, HEAG, LAB 3, HUB31, SoftwareAG, Merck, Medienatelier, and Xariva Ventures.
Stay tuned for a new event date.
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