Facts and figures

25,000 students, researchers, and scientists. 14 HIGHEST employees. 29 experts. 1 goal: Show the world that innovation is made in Darmstadt, Germany!



Since the early 90s, more than 200 start-ups came out of TU Darmstadt. In the past 6 years alone, 85 spin-offs hit the market. While we currently produce 15-20 per year, we aim to help up to 40 lift off. After all, HIGHEST has the knowledge and resources

HIGHEST milestones


Center for innovation and start-ups at TU Darmstadt launched


First TU Idea Competition


First Start-up & Innovation Day


The center gets its name: HIGHEST


InnoDay digital exhibition platform


HIGHWAY innovation platform


HIGHEST relaunch

TU Darmstadt

What’s better than a highway? Two highways! But the TU isn’t just a junction of innovation for its advantageous location .

Success Storys

Sucess Story

March 23, 2023

Mathe und Müsli

„peasofjoy”–Start-up-Gründung während des Studiums

Sucess Story

March 9, 2023

Ein Boot namens Wamo

Start-up e.Ray rettet Leben mit Wassermonitoring-Plattform

Sucess Story

January 12, 2023

reLi – internationales Team recycelt E-Auto-Batterien

recycling von Lithium-Batterien – und das noch „reLiable“


February 9, 2023

Neues neu denken

Lionel Born – aus einem Gründer wird ein Unternehmer

Sucess Story

February 23, 2023

Laden von Elektroautos mit Schwung

ADAPTIVE Balancing Power GmbH baut Ladestation mit Schwungmassenspeicher

Sucess Story

December 14, 2022

Argumente in Sekundenschnelle

Gründerstory von summetix


February 10, 2022

Pioneering model for rights transfer: TU Darmstadt goes on start-up offensive with "IP for Shares

TU Darmstadt / HIGHEST setzt neue Maßstäbe bei der Rechteübertragung für Start-ups. Bahnbrechend einfacher und liquiditätsschonenderer Zugang zu geistigem Eigentum für Start-ups. Focused Energy plant als erstes Start-up die Nutzungsmöglichkeit von „IP for Shares“.

Sucess Story

December 8, 2021

Tracking down leaks with AI

TU-Ausgründung PipePredict gestaltet die Wasserversorgung nachhaltig.

Sucess Story

October 5, 2020

Wingcopter – innovative strength and pioneering spirit

Die TU-Ausgründung Wincopter hat den Durchbruch im Markt erfolgreich geschafft.

Have you become curious? Perhaps a commitment as a HIGHEST expert is just the right thing?