Knowledge transfer
To recognize an opportunity and make good decisions, what young and ambitious people need is knowledge. Providing just that, HIGHEST has knowledge transfer tools that enable independent decision-making for building experience and wisdom.
What we offer.
Spread the word: Knowledge is free.
One of the few things in life that we have more of when we give it away: Knowledge. And where to share it better than at a university? However, while lectures in auditoriums teach knowledge relevant to academic study, HIGHEST shows students and researchers everything they need to know about starting up a business – or capitalizing on their research. Best part: We’re right here on the campus!
By the way, another thing that grows when shared is excitement. And we are just excited as you are about your project.. Don’t hesitate to get in touch! We’d love to meet you.
Contact usStudying Entrepreneurship
Early practice makes a master.
Some researchers and students know early on “I’m going to be my own boss!“ For these determined individuals, there are degrees that teach the relevant and necessary skills to become an entrepreneur. Learn from the very experienced professor Carolin Bock and interesting guest lecturers.
- The basics of entrepreneurship
- Lecture series
- Business strategies
- Start-up management
- Evaluation
HIGHEST lecture series
Practically relevant, face to face, and for some preventative.
If you want to start up a business, you need an entire toolbox of skills. Economical, legal, and people skills, to name but a few. What’s the best way to learn?
Attend our lecture series.
Real “nuts and bolts” events at which HIGHEST and guests show (and tell) how to start a business, how to create a powerful business canvas, what a golden circle is – and how it can help with funding and marketing.
This and more to help students and researchers to understand what they can expect when starting a business. And even if that’s not their goal, these skills are still absolutely essential for understanding markets, structuring work and asking the right questions later on.
Next HIGHEST Ringvorlesung:
From October 17th to February 6th, every Tuesday from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM.
Prof. Dr. rer. pol. Carolin Bock, spannende und praxisnahe Gastreferent:innen & Start-ups
Bachelor- und Masterstudierende aller Fachbereiche und Studiengänge sowie Gasthörer:innen
Art und Umfang
Unbenotete Vorlesung mit 2 Credit Points (unbenotet) in deutscher Sprache
Strategy workshops – made by HIGHEST.
Intelligent strategy isn’t only tipping the scales in a game of monopoly. Through providence and logical, solution-focused thinking (and acting) your scale will turn into a catapult!
Strategy is a vital part of starting a business. To teach it, HIGHEST offers workshops that will turn your business (and board game) skills up to 11!
Get in touchEntrepreneurship knowledge for ingenium
Opening doors
Rubbing elbows with the open markets. That is what the TU Darmstadt has to offer their students. But this privilege is not reserved only for students who just enrolled. Graduates and postdoctoral researchers also enjoy ideal conditions and a fruitful environment for talented up-and-coming researchers in all phases of their research careers.
Develop potential in the best way possible.
Learn more about ingenium