
Transferring research findings into your own company or into industry is no simple task for researchers or students . And why would it be? Most likely, you have never even thought of doing it. Until now! HIGHEST is happy to provide guidance and expertise, and support you throughout your journey.


Ideas create potential. And potential creates options! What are yours? Let’s talk about it.



Need more insights, more protection, and more contacts? Everyone needs a little more at the start: we can help.



Learn smarter from successful business experts and founders



Innovation needs an audience. Here’s yours.


Protect the true value of your ideas and intellectual property. HIGHEST knows all about patents and IP.

HIGHWAY – Innovations-Plattform

Success Storys


March 23, 2023

Mathe und Müsli

„peasofjoy”–Start-up-Gründung während des Studiums


March 9, 2023

Ein Boot namens Wamo

Start-up e.Ray rettet Leben mit Wassermonitoring-Plattform


February 9, 2023

Neues neu denken

Lionel Born – aus einem Gründer wird ein Unternehmer


December 14, 2022

Argumente in Sekundenschnelle

Gründerstory von summetix

Sucess Story

October 5, 2020

Wingcopter – innovative strength and pioneering spirit

Die TU-Ausgründung Wincopter hat den Durchbruch im Markt erfolgreich geschafft.


January 26, 2023

Medizinisches Plastik vom Feld

Die Antwort von BIOVOX lautet: Zuckerrohr. Die Kunststoffe des Start-ups sind durch diese Pflanze zu 100 Prozent biobasiert.


February 23, 2023

Laden von Elektroautos mit Schwung

ADAPTIVE Balancing Power GmbH baut Ladestation mit Schwungmassenspeicher

Sucess Story

November 24, 2022

Efficient production thanks to software

Gründundsportrait von SFM Systems

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