After the presentation:
EBS bachelor students with Simone Lühl (left), Olga Karpiuk, and Tim Eckes (front right).
Currently, TU Darmstadt holds 523 patents, with new ones being added constantly. These inventions boast a high degree of innovation, but where can they be applied? Often, this requires extensive research to identify specific applications in the business world. That’s why HIGHEST and the EBS Business School joined forces to drive this transfer forward.
In the “StartUp and Venture Capital” course, EBS bachelor students took on ten TU Darmstadt patents and developed corresponding business cases. According to course instructors Olga Karpiuk and Tim Eckes, it was an experiment that worked wonderfully. The students interviewed the inventors, conducted intensive research in various business sectors, and crafted clever and highly effective utilization concepts.
For Simone Lühl from HIGHEST, it was truly impressive to witness and experience the interplay between science and entrepreneurship in practice. Both the financial plans and market assessments impressed with their customer orientation and focus on delivering real value to the target audience. This fusion of scientific expertise and entrepreneurial thinking offers immense potential for the development of innovative solutions and products.
The “StartUp and Venture Capital” course, led by Tim and Olga over a six-week period in the fifth semester of the EBS bachelor’s program, provides an opportunity to practically experience the interaction between science and entrepreneurship. By experimenting with linking students’ ideas with TU Darmstadt patents, new paths of innovation were explored and exciting perspectives opened up.
A heartfelt thank you to all involved for this inspiring experience! We eagerly anticipate the further groundbreaking developments that will emerge from this collaboration!
Text: Claudia Becker