Expert knowledge from the source.

No need to chase around if you know someone in the know. HIGHEST connects with successful experts from business, industry and research.

Can you think of any better source to learn the ins and outs of the market better than an industry expert? Or anywhere better to hear about ground-breaking ideas quicker than from the source itself? Combine a curious market and a creative innovator and the potential is so powerful, we simply turned it into a program: HIGHEST Experts, consisting of coaches, business specialists, and mentors.


HIGHEST will not offer you a hand, but dozens. Because meeting contacts and networking is essential for starting a business.
Learn essential insights from coaches, business specialists, and mentors. Face-to-face and incredibly valuable.
HIGHEST Experts combines the powerful potential of coaches, business specialists, and mentors.
If you want to get your foot in the market, you can learn from the door: Business specialists, coaches, and mentors are here to help!
It doesn’t matter if you have something to teach or something to learn, it’s a win-win for everyone involved. Regardless of business, topic, or field.
Get matched with an expert that suits your needs.


● Mentors – long-term, holistic support and exchange with an experienced, well-connected expert (pro bono)
● Business specialists – help with specific issues, such as identifying potential applications of research results
● Coaches – guide you for a set period with a clear goal from the outset.


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Martin Krech

Peer-Mentor:innen / Alumni Gründer:innen EN


Michael Buschmann

Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der takevalue Consulting GmbH

Peer-Mentor:innen / Alumni Gründer:innen EN


Nelson Farfan Espada

DMF Group, Managing Director, Ztarkbond GmbH /Associate Partner M&A

Peer-Mentor:innen / Alumni Gründer:innen EN


Prof. Dr. Klaus Michael Ahrend

Vorstand HEAG und GF HUB 31 Gründerzentrum

Business Development / Geschäftsmodell, Digitalisierung, Finanzen, Pitch / VC Readiness EN


Thilo Schäfer

Geschäftsführer (ID4 Markenagentur Geschäftsführer LCi

Peer-Mentor:innen / Alumni Gründer:innen EN


Tom Rausch

AgroStart at BASF – an open innovation platform to identify and partner with digital AgTech start-ups


HIGHEST facilitates networking with experts, mentors, and coaches and hosts regular events for invigorating exchange – also with regional partners.

Are you looking for a mentor?

Contact us

Become a HIGHEST Expert

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Successful Startups


May 1, 2019

HCP Sense – force-measuring rolling bearing

Die Entwicklung und Forschung im Maschinenbau haben viele Fertigungsprozesse bis zur Grenze des technisch Erreichbaren optimiert. Die nächsten großen Potentiale, die im Zuge der Entwicklung hin zu Industrie 4.0 angegangen werden, sind die Überwachung und Verfügbarkeit der Fertigungsprozesse.


April 27, 2022

The inspiring mover

Mentor Guenter Kraft im Porträt.


October 6, 2022

3D printing – making the world a little better

Mascheinenbauingenieur Alexander Großmann im Porträt

Sucess Story

December 8, 2021

Tracking down leaks with AI

TU-Ausgründung PipePredict gestaltet die Wasserversorgung nachhaltig.

Sucess Story

January 20, 2021

"Scaling from day one"

Die TU-Ausgründung NanoWired ist bereit für den Durchbruch am Marke. PCs, Mobiles, Fernseher, Autos, Herzkatheter oder Waschmaschinen: Die NanoWired GmbH – kürzlich „Winner“ bei der Falling Walls-Konferenz – zielt mit ihren Produkten auf alles, was Verbindungen braucht. Dabei setzt das 2017 gegründete Start-up auf nanometerkleine leitfähige Metalldrähte. Geschäftsführer Olav Birlem erklärt, warum das Unternehmen damit so erfolgreich ist und wie es am Markt wachsen will. Der Elektroingenieur und Berater schaut trotz Coronakrise optimistisch in die Zukunft.